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SME optimisation

In order to gain operational efficiency, i.e. to make better use of resources, it is necessary to understand the functioning and, above all, the dysfunctions of your company.

After-sales service is a reflection of your company. Whether it is through the requests it handles, the flows it manages or its own performance, it reveals to those who know how to read it all the useful information to help your company progress.


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From 1 week to 6 months


Too often the management does not take the time to understand what it is to be customer of its own company. Yet this is the first thing to do when you want to understand what a customer feels during his journey with you.

At this stage an external expert can provide quick, efficient and effective solutions.

  • Analysis (or implementation) of customer satisfaction measurement

  • Definition of the customer journey

  • Identification and resolution of frustrations

  • Analysis of corrective measures

  • Implementation on the entire customer satisfaction chain


Our areas of focus are the optimization of internal organizations, logistics management, value creation and all after-sales services to ensure customer satisfaction.

The missions are defined according to your needs from 1 week to 2 months.

Example of mission carried out:


The world's #1 manufacturer's network

Starting point: understand the reasons for customer dissatisfaction and the decline in network traffic

3-month mission: visit of 25 distribution centers (internal and franchised) and audits of all the company's departments (purchasing, IT, logistics, sales, communication, accounting)

Identification of the different causes (logistic, commercial, organizational, managerial) and targeting of priority action plans. Deployment and animation of solutions by department.

Result: after 4 months, sales were stabilized thanks to commercial actions, and after 10 months, the situation was turned around thanks to the reduction of the major blocking points throughout the chain

Example of a mission carried out :

Manufacturer of the number 1 no-license vehicle in Europe

Mission : To boost the after-sales service turnover

12-month mission: implementation of indicators, sales analysis, product mix analysis, network survey, customer survey, competition analysis.

Identification of commercial, logistic and IT problems and implementation of corrective actions

Result : After 12 months, 10% increase in spare parts sales

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